Friday, May 15, 2009

Tis the season... for Formals, Finals, and Farewells

Hey y'all! I'm back at home now! And I already miss Tulane sooo much! The end of the semester was so jam packed with activities that the end of my sophomore year sneaked up on me! I cannot believe I'm half way done with school. It's wild! Anyway, let me catch y'all up on the end of the year.

Formal season is definitely a highly anticipated time of year (at least in my book, it is!). A lot of different organizations on campus have formals (it's not just a Greek thing!). Many organizations, mostly fraternities, go away for a formal weekend to a nearby beach. This year I got invited to SAE formal in Destin, Florida. It was soooo much fun! And such a treat to have a whole day on the beach.

The night of formal, we went out to dinner to a nice Hibachi steak restaurant (delicious) and then went to a really cool place called McGuire's, where there was an awesome live band! It was really, really fun! Up top is a picture of me and my dashing date, Morgan. And to left is a picture of the devilishly handsome men of SAE. Yes, they're that handsome.

Then, that following week, I went to my formal for Pi Phi. We went to the Cricket Club on St. Charles. The venue was so cool (and, of course, very classy). We had a great DJ and dance floor... so needless to say I was cuttin' some rug the entire night! There I am with my friend, Michael, working it on the dance floor... naturally! Yeah, we're pretty cute! And below is a picture of (some of) my Pi Phi family... 3 generations. It's a beautiful thing! My Big, Lindsey, is in the middle, and my Little, Vicki, is on the right.

2. Student Affairs Town Hall
As the new VP for Student Life, I inherited a project from the old VP to better communication between the school administrators and the students. What we came up with was a Town Hall, where administrators from both academic and student life oriented realms participated in an open panel with students. The goal of this event was to reflect on the year, and allow students to voice their concerns and suggestions in order to make Tulane even better for next year. Also, it allowed administrators to give students an inside scoop as to what changes or improvements have been made in certain departments. Overall, the panel was very successful! And I, along with other enthusiastic administrators, plan to make this a semesterly event, where we can recap on the semester/year as well as look forward to the next semester/year, working as a team, administrators and students side by side. It's pretty unique that school administrators are so in touch with the students! I guess the saying holds true... "only at Tulane!"

3. Panhellenic Extension
As I said before, Tulane is open for extension... no, we're not acquiring more land; we're adding a new sorority! The Panehllenic Extension committee, after three days of presentation watching, hours of application reading, and reviewing Greek members' evaluations, the committee came to a unanimous conclusion: Phi Mu is the perfect sorority to (re)colonize at Tulane. They were a member of the Tulane community back when Sophie Newcomb College was an all woman's college, and they are so excited to have their charter back at Tulane. They will be having Recruitment for upperclassmen in the Fall, and will be joining the Spring Panhellenic Recruitment for freshmen, along with our six current sororities: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, and Sigma Delta Tau. We're all very excited to welcome Phi Mu back to the community! If you're an upperclassmen and interested in Fall Recruitment for Phi Mu, go to for more information.

Finals seemed to consume more of my life this year than in any other past semester. I was studying SOOO much for my exams! Luckily, Tulane has a lot of quiet places to study. Anyway, it was such a relief when finals were finally over! I went out to a nice dinner to celebrate (try Irene's in the French Quarter... yummy) and then slept for a long, long time! Finals wears everyone out!! All and all, the semester ended quite well, though. I'm just excited to start up new classes next semester! It's a nerdy feeling, but I feel lost without any work to do for school!

It's always hard to say goodbye to people at the end of the year because everyone finishes their finals and leaves at different times. This year was particularly hard to say goodbye to my friends, though, because a lot of them are going abroad in the Fall, meaning I won't see some of them til January... or even next year!! It was really sad to say goodbye. But my friends and I have a secret facebook wall where we all catch each other up on the events of our lives. It's a little corny, but it's a GREAT way to stay in touch! I already miss my friends sooo much, but I know that, for the group of people that are coming back to Tulane for the Fall semester, rather than going abroad, it's going to be an amazing semester! I have so much to look forward to, including NOLA, where I will again be an Orientation Coordinator. I'll get to come back to school around the 10th, move into my new house, and meet lots of new freshmen before school starts! I cannot wait. In the meantime, I'll be interning at Target and spending my free time visiting friends and family. I've got a full summer to keep me occupied 'til I can finally return back Tulane!

Stay tuned for updates over the summer, my loyal readers, and for those of you who are going to Tulane next year, or for those of you that have any questions in regards to Tulane, please don't hesitate to e-mail me! HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! And Roll Wave!

PS-- for incoming Freshmen interested in NOLA, go to:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Crawfish Season!!!!!

Hello Tulane-prospectives/enthusiasts!! Sorry to leave y'all out in the cold! But I didn't forget about my loyal readers. In fact, I have a lot to share with all of you!

The Spring season has not only brought beautiful, sunny weather to New Orleans, the Spring season has also brought CRAWFISH SEASON! And boy does Tulane know how to celebrate that. Two weeks ago, Tulane had a campus-wide crawfish boil and music festival. The event is called Crawfest, and this year it drew a crowd of over 10,000 people (both Tulanians and locals). We had 16,000 pounds of crawfish (FREE for students) and 11 bands that included... (see right!). I think the numbers speak for themselves, but in case you couldn't tell, this event, though only in its 3rd year, is making history at Tulane.

It was an awesome day full of food and fun in the sun. It was such a great opportunity for all of my friends to be together at once. Actually, the whole campus united; even graduate students attended the event. Here are some more pictures of me and my friends enjoying the festivities...

My friend and suitemate, Becky, is on the Crawfest Committee as the Concert Chair. She had a VIP pass at Crawfest and was even able to get some of my friends on stage!

But Crawfest is just one of MANY crawfish boils on and around campus. The TU Administration has a crawfish boil last night for its newly elected leaders on campus! All of the Associated Student Body Executive Board members (with Graduate and Undergraduate Student Governments) were invited to join Dr. Cowen and Dr. Cherry (and other Student Affairs Administrators) for dinner! It was such a nice opportunity to connect with administrators in a relaxed setting. Plus, we got free crawfish... again! A lot of organizations also host crawfish boils in order to raise money for different philanthropic efforts. Needless to say, students here at Tulane, regardless of where they are from, have adopted the great New Orleans tradition of crawfish!

Just a little Greek update... Pi Phi had its first date party of the semester two weeks ago, the night after Crawfest. The theme: Phistock. It's Pi Phi's spin on Woodstock and it's so much fun! Everyone got really into it! And the venue was really fun. We even had a live band!!! All and all, I'd say it was a pretty successful date party. And right around the corner we have Pi Phi formal... so stay tuned!

Another exciting event happening in the Greek community here at Tulane: Panhellenic is open for extension and we are looking to add a new sorority. This week we have had three separate presentations from three different sororities and on Friday the Panehellenic Extension Committee (I'm Pi Phi's Rep. on the committee) will be making its final decision on who to invite to campus for colonization next year. It is a really exciting time for everyone on campus!

Also, as the new Vice President for Student life, I have been working very closely with the Student Affairs Administrators and Dining Services Administrators to set up a lot of open forums for students to talk openly about their thoughts on the year and how to make even more improvements for next year. I'm really excited to facilitate these opportunities for students!

That's all for now! But keep checking in, as there is a lot more to come before the semester comes to a close!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Recruitment and Mardi Gras Mayhem!

Hello readers! Sorry it's been awhile. The beginning the Spring semester has been so incredibly hectic! But I have so much to share....

1. Recruitment: Tulane has delayed Rush, which means students have all of Fall semester to decide if they want to participate in Greek Life. Then when everyone comes back after winter break, Recruitment begins. On average, the school is about 30% Greek. It was such a great couple of days... and Pi Phi got an amazing pledge class!! Not to brag, of course, but I love my babies! A week after Bid Day, Greeks participated in a big tradition: all the new Fraternity pledges rotated between the different sorority houses to serenade the new Pledgies!! It was soooo much fun! The boys sang some great songs too, including Britney Spears songs and Backstreet Boys songs!! Here are some of the New Pi Phi members outside the our house. After that... we all went to the "Fly" (the levee). It was like the biggest mixer... with all the Fraternities and Sororities hanging out together! Here are a bunch of my friends (in different sororities) at the Fly... enjoying the 75 degree weather in January!!

2. Home Sweet Home: I went home to visit my sister this last weekend. It was sooo much fun. I surprised her on Valentine's Day at her basketball game... and she was sooo shocked when she saw me that she almost cried right on the court! I'm REALLY bad at surprises and keeping secret, so I am really psyched that I pulled that off!! But I was glad to come back to Tulane, seeing as I always hate missing out on stuff here!

3. Elections: We had Undergraduate Student Government elections for the Executive Board last week. I decided to run for something other than Senator this year, and ran for Vice President for Student Life... it was an overwhelming week of campaigning, but I ended up WINNING!! I'm so excited. We have such awesome Executive Board-elects. I cannot wait to get started in my new position!!

4. MARDI GRAS: Mardi Gras was a non-stop party this year! For those of y'all that don't know, we get a Carnival Break at Tulane... most schools/business have the same break and the city pretty much shuts down and opens up Mardi Gras-specific business... food and drinks and nightlife galore. It was SOOO fun this year... because I had two midterms right before Mardi Gras, which means I was totally able to have a care-free weekend with my friends! I went to parades Thursday-Monday and loved every second of beed-catching, parade route-walking that there was! I barely slept... but as the saying goes here... "You can sleep when Mardi Gras is over." Here are some pictures of me and my friends during the festivities.

Basically, it was the best five days ever!!! You can wear what you want, hang out with whoever you want, sleep, eat, and be merry whenever you want! It is a great tradition of which Tulane loves to be a part! Tulanians stick together on the parade routes... and stay uptown on St. Charles on the neutral ground (the middle ground where the street car normally runs). We sit on couches and eat jambalaya and chat with the native New Orleanians around us. It truly is the best time! I hate that it's over, but am already thinking ahead for next year :)

In the meantime... Tulane has great stuff coming up! The third annual Green Week is less than a week away!! Basically, it's like a big Spirit Week in the Spring... kind of like Homecoming in the Fall. Everyday there's free food and lots of free give-aways (trucker hats/blankets/t-shirts)! We also have great tailgates for all of the baseball games! I cannot wait. I'll keep y'all posted! Take care until next time!

Roll Wave!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Semi-Formal, Finals, a Weather Phenomenon, and Cancun!

Hello readers!! Hope y'all had great holidays. Just wanted to fill everyone in on the end of the fall semester. Not too much happened between now and my last post... but it was a fabulous end to a fabulous semester!

The Friday after my return from Thanksgiving, I had semi-formal. Pi Phi's semi-formal was at the Louisiana Children's Museum this year and it was quite a treat to relive some childhood memories. The museum was wonderful and left so many attraction open for us. I played with Lincoln Logs; I lifted 500 pounds of weights (I'm THAT strong); I played in Mr. Roger's neighborhood. There I am in a bubble with my date, Tyler. How cool is that?? I'm INSIDE the bubble :) It was so fun! I also danced like a maniac! We had an awesome DJ right in the main hall of the museum. By the end of the night, all the Pi Phi's and their dates were out on the dance floor bustin some killer moves. There's Christina, one of my suitemates, with her lovely date/construction worker Kyle.

I went to bed right after the buses brought us back from semi-formal (I knew I had to start studying the next day). But first I woke up and went to lunch at the GREATEST new barbeque joint on Oak Street, not too far off campus. It was called "Squeal." Definitely not the most PC of terms, but the food is amazing. We ordered BBQ brisket nachos, pulled pork sandwiches and burgers with grits and cole slaw and french fries and onion rings. We pretty much sampled half the menu. But there's more... "Squeal" also has big TV's everywhere (inside and outside) for watching sports AND playing Nintendo and Playstation. Pretty cool, huh? I'll definitely be going back for a big football game soon.

Unfortunately I had to start studying after lunch. But, alas, the big meal put me right to sleep. Soooo... I studied after my nice long nap. It was so refreshing. I wrote almost an entire final paper on Saturday night (I know what you're thinking, "who studies on a Saturday night?" Well most Tulanians do right before finals week. The study lounges are packed until finals week is over!). Anyway, by the end of the week I had written one regular paper, written three final papers, taken a Spanish final exam, and performed my final scene for acting class. It was a lots of work. And the distraction of a NOLA weather phenomenon didn't help either. It snowed in New Orleans... for hours! The entire campus was blanketed in big white puffy snowflakes! I couldn't believe it. So many of my southern friends were jumping for joy because it is such a rarity for them to see snow. I frequently see snow up in NJ, so I didn't get too excited about the freezing cold temperatures... until I saw a palm tree covered in snow. THAT was pretty ridiculous! Who knows when I'll see something like that again.

Anyway, I was able to eventually see past the distraction, take my one final exam, and finish all the rest by the 12th, when I was able to come home and spend time with my family and friends. Despite the cold, it was great to be back home. Not for long, though, because a week after my return, I set off for Cancun for the Holidays. It was such a nice treat to escape to the warmth with my family. We got lots of sun and ate the best meals!! To the left is a picture of the whole gang on the last night in Cancun.

I'm back from Cancun now... and it's cold again!! BRRR!! Oh well, less than two weeks before I return. Hopefully it'll be nice and sunny, and not astonishingly snowy like when I left NOLA a few weeks ago. Have a happy and healthy New Year readers! I'll write again soon.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Home for the Holidays!

Hello readers!! Hope y'all had wonderful Thanksgivings. I had a great time at home with my family and friends! For the most part, I spent the time relaxing and resting up for finals (ughh I'm nervous!).

I also got to see my twin play in a basketball tournament! And then afterward, her whole team (and parents and friends) came over for dinner. It was really fun and a great way for me to see how school is going for my sister. There I am with my sister, Mere (top left), and some of her teammates after an awesome dinner.

Thanksgiving was also a blast! We always go over to our family friend's house, the Kennedy's house. Mrs. Kennedy and her family cook the main meal and some appetizers, and my mom cooks appetizers and the desserts. It's really, really fun and has become a wonderful tradition with our (extended) families and friends. Here's a picture of some of us girls right before we ate dinner!

So I came back from Thanksgiving Break two days ago and I am still unmotivated to finish unpacking because I leave again to go home in 12 days... I take my finals and depart for the cold, cold weather again! But that feeling won't last too long, seeing as I'll be in Cancun for Christmas this year. But until then, I've got to stay focused on finishing up the semester. It is coming so quickly to a close that I don't know what to do with myself! I guess just study, study, study! This week is a particularly busy week, being the last week of class. Tonight I have USG (Undergraduate student Government), tomorrow I have a GWA (Green Wave Ambassadors) Awards dinner, Thursday I have lacrosse practice, and Friday I have Pi Phi Semi-Formal!! So it's a busy week, but I'm looking forward to it all... even the 3 different group presentations that I have to present on Thursday. I'll keep y'all posted on how all of those events go!

Stay warm!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I survived Death Valley!

Hello readers!! So much has happened since my last post!! Let's start with Monday before Halloween. Tulane University hosted a very special event under the work of Direction, a nationwide speaker series. This past month, eight days before the 2008 Presidential Election, Republican Governor Mike Huckabee and Democrat Congressman Harold Ford Jr. came to Tulane to participate in a debate. Held in McAlister Auditorium and moderated by one of Tulane's most prestigious political science professors, the debate consisted of questions submitted by Tulane students. Also, there was a Q&A at the end of the debate. It was very informative and definitely gave students clarity on the issues that were most pertinent in the election.

That Friday was Halloween. My Big Sis in Pi Phi had a Halloween party, so a bunch of our friends got dressed up and went to her apartment (a block off campus). It was a lot of fun! They decorated and had bowls of candy and snacks everywhere. There was a huge turn out and the costumes were hilarious!! There I am with my lovely lady Pi Phi's on the left (I'm the angel!).

The next day I woke up really early for the LSU v. Tulane football game in Baton Rouge. It was the most insane thing I had ever seen. People started tailgating at 7am for a 7pm game. I went with three people that live (or have lived) in Louisiana, so they all knew a lot of LSU students at the game. We hopped around from tent to tent in our Tulane gear, with LSU fans yelling "TIGER BAIT" as we passed by. It was pretty funny... especially since LSU fans knew that Tulane was no match for their top 20 ranked football team. Nevertheless, we braved the Tiger roar in our Tulane gear!

So we ate some jambalaya and cheeseburgers (and crab cakes and sausage and nachos) and watched some football on TVs in the back of pick-up trucks all day. It was so much fun. And before I knew it was time to enter Death Valley. With 90,000 seats, 20,000 more than the Superdome, the LSU stadium was booming with Tiger roars and bleeding purple and gold. To the right is the almost full LSU student section... forty minutes before kick-off! Luckily, Tulane brought a pretty large following from New Orleans to cheer on the Green Wave! We didn't win, but we played really well against a nationally ranked team! It was such a crazy experience seeing Death Valley. And even though I was tiger-baited, I survived the mayhem!

The following Tuesday was the election... and campus was buzzing with chatter about the two candidates. For most students, this was the first election that they were able to vote in, and many of them chose to register in Louisiana, including myself. My polling place was right inside the LBC (Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life) so it was really easy to cast my vote. It was exciting to get so involved in the election and it was great to see that so many other students on campus came out to do the same.

Another big event that happened last Saturday was Hip-Hop for Hope. Hip-Hope for Hope is a Tulane student-run organization that puts on a fundraiser every year for a charter school damaged by the hurricane. The event is at Tipitina's, a bar that is famous for their live music. Hip-Hope for Hope featured artists such as DJ Raj Smoove, Raw Dizzy, The Show with DY and the local favorite: The Rebirth Brass Band. For a ten dollar donation to MLK Charter School in the 9th Ward, students were able to enjoy a night of amazing entertainment with transportation to and from Tipitina's.

And this week is the much anticipated Greek Week. Today is the big fraternity cook-off and sorority bake-off; tomorrow is Greek trivia night, Thursday is Greek Sync night, and Saturday is Greek Olympics. I'm really excited for Saturday because I'm on the Pi Phi dodgeball team. I was pretty good in gym class in middle school... I'm hoping those skills translate over into college!

I'll let y'all know how Pi Phi's team does during Greek Week! I go home a week from today for Thanksgiving! YAY! And then when I return... Pi Phi semi-formal... Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Catching the Wave...

Hey y'all! Sorry it's been awhile. It has been one exciting event after the next. First off, I have to tell y'all about homecoming. The theme this year was "Catch the Wave." It was SO much fun. Now, at most schools, homecoming takes place over one big weekend, but at Tulane, it last an entire week. That's right, folks. Sunday, September 28th through October 4th. The party began with our lighting ceremony in Pocket Park (a courtyard next to our UC or Lavin-Bernick Center) We ate FREE VooDoo Barbecue, lit candles for the football team. THEM and Green Envy performed (our Capella groups), as well as Shockwave (our dance team) and the cheerleaders). We were also introduced to our homecoming court. On Monday was the McAlister Mile Fun Run! That's a mile race with more free food and shirts for the top 25 finishers for men and top 25 for women. I ran it with my running buddy, Sean. Although he kind of sped up and finished before me. I ran my best mile time, though, at 6:25. Afterward, the Tidal Wave Committee (Homecoming committee) provided World's Healthiest Pizza and drinks. It was sooo fun. And just in case you were wondered, I did indeed get a free t-shirt!

On Tuesday, the school set up a big outdoor projection screen, gave out homecoming blankets, fresh Kettle Corn, Raisin' Canes chicken, and projected the movie "The Sandlot." It was sooo much fun! On Wednesday there was a powder puff tournament. Freshmen v. Sophomores and Juniors v. Seniors. I was unable to play because I had a test the next day, but it was fun to watch. It was also fun getting my free Creole Creamery Ice Cream... yummy! Thursday rolled around and I was so excited because my mom and her boyfriend, Rich, flew down for the weekend.

To preface her visit I kept telling everyone that homecoming is her favorite holiday (little exaggeration). Thursday night we had the homecoming concert and awesome local Cajun food. Guess who came this year?! The Benjy David Project AND Reel Big Fish!! It was the best concert... right on the LBC quad. And I got to share the entire experience with my mom and my friends. On Friday I went out to breakfast with my mom and Rich, went to class, went shopping on Magazine Street, and then napped. At night we had the big parade/pep rally down McAlister and fireworks! Then I went downtown with my mom and Rich and my family friend. We went to Pat O'Brien. Such a great meal!! Then I stayed downtown with my mom and Rich for awhile on Bourbon Street, but I was tired and went back uptown relatively early so I could rest up for the football game.

Saturday was the big game! I went out to breakfast with my mom and Rich and our family friends from home. We went to Slim Goodies on Magazine. Best Omelet ever! Then we went to the game at Tad Gormley Stadium. Normally we play at the Superdome, but Tad Gormley Stadium is a homecoming tradition. All the tailgating was there too, right in City Park.

Pi Phi had the best tent with Sig Ep! My mom loved meeting everyone and eating and drinking. She also loved getting all of the free Tulane gear from different tents! The game was really great because the stadium was packed (it's definitely harder to fill the Superdome!).

Unfortunately we lost to Army, but Tulane put up a good fight, that's for sure! Saturday night we went out to a nice dinner at Drago's. It was the best meal ever (yummy charbroiled oysters)! So great, in fact, that I just went back there two nights ago! Sunday I went shopping with my mom all day and then stayed in the hotel with her that night. It was nice to get the alone time with her before she left.

So that was homecoming... It really is my favorite time of the school year. No school does it the way Tulane does it: free food and prizes everyday... and lots of entertainment! I can't wait for next year.

Other exciting things that have been going on: sorority functions. Pi Phi has had some of the best mixers!! To the right is a picture from our mixer with Sig Ep. We just had a Super Heroes mixer with AEPi the other week, and tonight we're going to have a Holidays mixer with KA. I'm dressing up as my birthday! Some other ideas are Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, Labor Day, and Easter (just to name a few). I'm really psyched for that.

But the best party I think Pi Phi has had so far: our crush party! It was at this past Saturday at a place called One-Eyed Jack's (downtown). Basically, we don't invite our dates. We submit their names to our Social Chair and she send out one big massive e-mail telling each recipient that he, or she, has been crushed by a Pi Phi. Some people don't even know who their dates are! It's a great way to mix and mingle. I think everyone enjoyed it a lot.

I'll keep you posted on the Holidays mixer and some of the other events on Tulane's campus! Stay tuned, y'all! And ROLL WAVE!